Paper Prints Policy

To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the "Paper Prints Policy" for the "Research Journal of Psychology," I recommend visiting the official website of the journal. Journal websites typically provide detailed information for authors, including submission guidelines, formatting requirements, and policies related to the publication process.

Here's a general outline of what you might find in a journal's "Paper Prints Policy":

  1. Submission Guidelines:

    • Specific instructions for preparing and submitting manuscripts.
    • Details on the preferred format, file type, and any specific software requirements.
  2. Peer Review Process:

    • Information on the journal's peer review process, including the criteria used to evaluate submissions.
    • Guidelines for authors regarding the blind review process, if applicable.
  3. Publication Ethics:

    • Policies related to ethical considerations, such as plagiarism, authorship, and data integrity.
    • Any requirements for ethical approval and the handling of human or animal subjects in research.
  4. Open Access and Copyright:

    • Details on the journal's approach to open access publishing, if applicable.
    • Information on copyright policies and any fees associated with publication.
  5. Formatting and Style Guidelines:

    • Instructions for authors on how to format their manuscripts according to the journal's style guide.
    • Guidelines on citing sources and creating references.
  6. Submission Fee or Charges:

    • Information on any fees associated with the submission, review, or publication process.
  7. Timelines:

    • Expected timelines for the review process and publication.
  8. Contact Information:

    • Details on how authors can contact the editorial team for inquiries or assistance.